When you LOVE what you do, everything is easy.

Belkis Galainena, Adv.CBP
about me and my practice

I am a first generation Cuban-American born and raised in Miami. My spiritual healing path began in 2007 after suffering an incapacitating injury that Western medicine could not resolve. My search for alternative methods to heal my body led me to BodyTalk and a complete recovery. My newfound understanding of the body, it's energies and its innate ability to heal, compelled me to become a BodyTalk practitioner. Within two months of receiving my first life-changing BodyTalk session, I took a BodyTalk Access course. I knew then that this was truly my path to healing, and by the end of 2007, I became a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner.

Since then, I have grown my practice in the heart of Miami, seeing well over 800 private clients to date. My client base is quite varied and many of my clients speak only Spanish. I am currently training to become a BodyTalk Access instructor and plan to teach in Spanish in the near future.

Other certifications

Apart from my training in the BodyTalk system, I am also certified in Reiki II, Akashic Records III, Matrix Energetics and Access Consciousness BARS. I am fluent in English and Spanish. I also retain my position as designer and owner at Sonic Art, Inc., a graphic design firm I founded in 2000.

The South Florida BodyTalk Association

Since 2015 to the present day, I have been serving as President of the South Florida BodyTalk association and lead the SFBTA's weekly study groups to provide support to new students and to help them prepare for their certification exams. Another one of the purposes of the SFBTA is to spread BodyTalk throughout our community and as such, I have established a volunteer outreach program providing weekly BodyTalk sessions at the Lotus House Homeless Shelter in historic Overtown.Offering popular women's necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion


Right Brain vs. Left Brain

Look at the animated gif of the girl twirling. Is she turning to the left or to the right?

Can you make her change directions?

If you focus closely on her, you might be able to make her spin in the other direction.

Can you make her stop?

Maybe you can make her stop right away. Maybe you can make her slow down.

Left Brain Right Brain
Functions Speech and language, logical analysis and reasoning, mathematical computations. Spatial awareness, intuition, facial recognition, visual imagery, music awareness, art, rhythm.
Traits Linear thinking, sequential processing, logical decision-making, reality-oriented. Holistic thinking, random processing, intuitive decision-making, non-verbal processing, fantasy-oriented.
Perceived personality traits Analytical, logical, pay attention to detail Creative, artistic, open-minded.
Overall Thinking Linear, detail-oriented – “details to whole” approach. Holistic, big-picture oriented – “whole to details” approach.
Thought process Sequential; verbal (process with words). Random; non-verbal (process with visuals).
Problem-solving Logical – order/pattern perception; emphasis on strategies. Intuitive – spatial/abstract perception; emphasis on possibilities.
Controls muscles on Right side of the body. Left side of the body.
Strengths Mathematics, analytics, reading, spelling, writing, sequencing, verbal and written language. Multi-dimensional thinking, art, music, drawing, athletics, coordination, repairs, remembers faces, places, events.
Difficulties Visualization, spatial/abstract thinking, Following by sequence, understanding parts, organizing a large body of information, remembering names.
When damaged Trouble speaking or understanding spoken or written words; slow, careful movements; inability to see things on the right side of the body. Trouble with visual perception (understanding how far or near something is); neglect of left side of the body; inability to see things to the left; poor decision making; impulsiveness; short attention span; slow learning of new